34 Applied Instructions (FX3U-CF-ADP)
34.1 FLCRT / File create • check
FXCPU Structured Programming Manual
[Basic & Applied Instruction]
1) When the file ID is "K0"
a) The CF-ADP can create up to 1000 files (within the CompactFlash
card capacity).
b) The file name is set to "FILE0000.CSV" to "FILE0999.CSV".
2) When the file ID is "K1" to "K63"
a) The user can create up to 63 files (within the CompactFlash
card capacity).
b) The FLCRT instruction is completed abnormally if different file names are specified for the same file ID
or if the same file name is specified for different file IDs.
3) It is not permitted to use an "FLCRT, FLDEL, FLWR, FLRD, FLCMD or FLSTRD" instruction and a
following instruction for the same port:
- "RS or RS2" instruction
- "ADPRW" instruction
- "IVCK, IVDR, IVRD, IVWR, IVBWR or IVMC" instruction
4) The instruction is provided in the FX
3U and FX3UC PLCs Ver. 2.61 or later.