34 Applied Instructions (FX3U-CF-ADP)
34.1 FLCRT / File create • check
FXCPU Structured Programming Manual
[Basic & Applied Instruction]
Function and operation explanation
1. 16-bit operation (FLCRT)
1) When the file ID is "K0"
When is "K0", the FLCRT instruction creates a FIFO file.
When the PLC creates two or more files for FIFO file, and executes FIFO (first in, first out) in units of files.
The PLC keeps the latest file, and deletes older files so that the total capacity of FIFO files and other files
does not exceed the specified capacity.
2) When the file ID is "K1" to "K63"
When is "K1" to "K63", the FLCRT instruction creates a file having the specified file name.
Sequence programs use the file ID for specifying a file. Accordingly, each file name saved in the
card is associated with the file ID, and controlled by the file ID table.
If a file having the specified file name already exists and is registered in the file ID table, the PLC finishes
the FLCRT instruction without executing any processing.
If a file having the specified name already exists but is not registered in the file ID table, the PLC only
registers the existing file to the file ID table.
Command input
File ID
File name
File creation parameter
Used channel number