20 Applied Instructions (Positioning Control)
20.2 DVIT / Interrupt Positioning
FXCPU Structured Programming Manual
[Basic & Applied Instruction]
1) Some restrictions to applicable devices.
S1: Please specify Y000, Y001, Y002 of transistor output of basic unit, or Y000, Y001, Y002
, Y003
high speed output special adapter
*1. High speed output special adapter can be connected only in FX
*2. When using Y002, Y003 in high speed output special adapter, a second high speed output
special adapter is needed.
• When using FX3U PLC of relay output type or triac output type, high speed output special adapter
is needed.
• The output of high speed output special adapter is a differential line driver.
S2: When high speed output special adapter is used at the pulse output destination in the FX
3U PLC, as
the rotating direction signal, use the output shown in the table below.
When built-in transistor output is ussed at the pulse output destination in the FX
3U and FX3UC PLCs,
as the rotating direction signal, use the transistor output.
S3: In D
.b, index (V, Z) decoration is disabled.
2) Number of output pulses after interrupt is specified (specified by ).
The setting range is as follows.
a) In the case of 16-bit operation
-32,768 to +32,767 (excluding 0)
b) In the case of 32-bit operation
-999,999 to +999,999 (excluding 0)
3) Output pulse frequency is specified (specified by ).
The setting range is as follows.
a) In the case of 16-bit operation
10 to 32,767 (Hz)
b) In the case of 32-bit operation
4) Output number of rotating direction signal
Operation changes as follows depending on polarity of output pulse frequency.
[+ (Positive)] → : ON
[- (Negative)] → : OFF
Connection position of high speed
output special adapter
Pulse output
Rotating direction
First unit
=Y000 =Y004
=Y001 =Y005
Second unit
=Y002 =Y006
=Y003 =Y007
Pulse output destination Setting range
FX3U PLC High speed output special adapter 10 to 200,000 (HZ)
FX3U, FX3UC PLCs Basic unit (transistor output) 10 to 100,000 (HZ)