20 Applied Instructions (Positioning Control)
20.3 DTBL / Batch Data Positioning Mode
FXCPU Structured Programming Manual
[Basic & Applied Instruction]
1) The instruction is provided in the FX3UC PLC Ver. 2.20 or later.
2) Some restrictions to applicable devices.
S1: Please specify Y000, Y001, Y002
of transistor output of basic unit, or Y000, Y001, Y002
, Y003
of high speed output special adapter
*1. Y002 is not available in FX
3G PLC (14-point and 24-point type) and FX3GC PLC.
*2. High speed output special adapter can be connected only in FX
*3. When using Y002, Y003 in high speed output special adapter, a second high speed output
special adapter is needed.
• When using a relay output type or triac output type FX3U PLC, a special high-speed output
adapter is required.
• The output of high speed output special adapter is a differential line driver.