Chapter 1, Description of Keys
Pressing Print outputs the entire contents of the displayed screen, the time and
date, and any print title defined in the PRINTER CONFIGURE screen. To print
measurement results through GPIB, the program must query the measurement and
print the result in a format determined by the programmer.
GPIB Example
No equivalent GPIB command
See Also
"Print Configure Screen" on page 123
“Printing a Screen” in the Operating Overview chapter of the E8285A User’s
Recall is used to recall instrument setups saved in save/recall registers.
Programming Recall
The GPIB commands :REGister:RECall are used to select this function
programmatically. The save/recall mass storage device is selected using the
Save/Recall field on the I/O CONFIGURE screen.
This recalls the instrument state saved in the file SETUP1.
See Also
“Saving and Recalling Instrument Setups” in the Operating Overview chapter of
the E8285A User’s Guide
“*SAV (Save Instrument State)” in the GPIB Common Commands chapter of the
E8285A Condensed Programming Reference Guide
“*RCL (Recall Instrument State)” in the GPIB Common Commands chapter of
the E8285A Condensed Programming Reference Guide