Chapter 4, Description of Fields
This field is displayed only when the System Type field is set to NAMPS or
This field is used to select what the signaling decoder will decode. The choices
• Data
When DSAT is selected, the signaling decoder decodes DSAT (Digital Supervisory
Audio Tone) transponded from the mobile station currently connected on a call.
Data is selected, the signaling decoder decodes and displays reverse voice
channel data and acts upon messages from the mobile station currently connected
on a call.
Operating Considerations
To verify that the mobile station is transponding the correct DSAT, make sure
DSAT is selected in this field, and select “NMeas” in the Display field. The
decoded DSAT will be displayed in the DSAT/DST (hex) field.
To set up the signaling decoder to decode and display signaling messages that are
transmitted on the reverse voice channel, make sure that “Data” is selected in this
field, then select “NData” in the Display field. Messages generated by signaling
events, such as when a call is ended by the mobile station, will now be decoded
and displayed. If this field is not set to “Data”, and a call is ended by the mobile
station, the Test Set will drop the call when it detects that the mobile station is no
longer on the call.
GPIB Example
“CPRocess:NAMPs:DSAT:MEASure:SELect ‘Data’“
commands the analog signaling decoder to decode reverse traffic channel data.
Screens Where Field is Present
CALL CONTROL (when NAMPS is selected in the System Type field)