Chapter 4, Description of Fields
This field sets the confidence coefficient for FER testing.
GPIB Example
“DISP CRXT;MEASure:CDManalyzer:FERasure:CONFidence:INTerval 95”
sets a confidence coefficient of 95%.
Operating Considerations
When Confidence is on (a value is displayed in the Confidence field) and an FER
measurement is made, the Test Set performs an interval estimate of the true FER.
This means that as the test is running, point estimates of FER calculate an interval
(range) of FER values that the true error rate of a mobile station is likely to fall
within. Testing will stop when the number of frames tested (which determines the
sample size of the estimate) is sufficient to narrow down the interval to the value
specified in the
FER Spec field. At this point it can be presumed that the true
FER performance of the mobile station being tested will fall within the specified
FER range with the degree of confidence entered in this field.
The Test Set, in addition to performing the one-sided confidence limit testing
described above, also applies confidence limit testing for a failed FER test
condition. If the criteria for meeting the passed or failed confidence limit testing is
not met, the test will end when the number of frames entered in the
Max Frames
field is reached.
Graphically, the criteria for Passed, Failed, and Max Frames test results is shown