Index - 13
Tracking function (Explanation of positioning
Turntable (Explanation of positioning terms)
Types and roles of control data .................... 5-16
Types and roles of monitor data ................... 5-12
Types of data................................................... 5-2
Types of errors .............................................. 15-2
Types of stop processes ............................... 6-43
Types of warnings ......................................... 15-3
Unconditional JUMP.................................... 9-102
Unit magnification (
)........................... 5-20
Unit setting (
)...................................... 5-20
Unit setting (Explanation of positioning terms)
Upper limit...................................................... 3-20
Valid M code (
)................................. 5-98
Wait start...................................................... 10-11
Warning (Explanation of positioning terms)
Warning history.............................................. 5-94
Warning history pointer (
)................. 5-94
Window (Explanation of positioning terms)
Writing to the Flash ROM.............................. 13-6
WITH mode ................................................. 12-62
WITH mode (Explanation of positioning terms)
X0 (QD75 READY)........................................ 3-15
X1 (Synchronization flag).............................. 3-15
XY table (Explanation of positioning terms)
Z phase (Explanation of positioning terms)
Zero signal (Explanation of positioning terms)