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(c) Continuous positioning control using multiple positioning data can be
executed in accordance with the operation patterns the user assigned to
the positioning data. (Refer to Section 5.3 and 9.1.2)
Continuous positioning control can be executed over multiple blocks, where
each block consists of multiple positioning data. (Refer to Section 10.3.2.)
(d) OPR control is given additional features (Refer to Section 8.2.)
1) Six different machine OPR methods are provided: near point dog
method (one method), stopper methods (three methods), and count
methods (two methods).
2) OPR retry function facilitates the machine OPR control from an
arbitrary position.
(The machine OP a premier reference position for positioning control.
The machine is set to the machine OP through one of the machine
OPR methods mentioned in 1) above.)
(e) Two acceleration/deceleration control methods are provided: automatic
trapezoidal acceleration/deceleration and S-pattern
acceleration/deceleration. (Refer to Section 12.7.7.)
(The S-pattern acceleration/deceleration control is disabled if stepping
motors are used. Refer to Section 1.3.)
(3) Quick startup (Refer to Section 3.1.)
A positioning operation starts up quickly taking as little as 6 ms to 7 ms.
When operation using simultaneous start function or interpolation operation is
executed, the axes start without delay.
(Example) Axis 1 and Axis 3 are started by the
simultaneous start function
: No delay in Axis 1 and
Axis 3 start
Axis 2 and Axis 4 are started by the
interpolation operation
: No delay in Axis 2 and
Axis 4 start
(4) Faster pulse output and allowance of longer distance to drive unit
(Refer to Section 3.1.)
The modules with a differential driver (QD75D1, QD75D2, and QD75D4)
incorporate the improvements in pulse output speed and maximum distance to
the drive unit.
• QD75D1/QD75D2/QD75D4: 1 Mpulse/s, 10 m max.
• QD75P1/QD75P2/QD75P4: 200 kpulse/s, 2 m max.
(5) Easy maintenance
Each QD75 positioning module incorporates the following improvements in
(a) Data such as the positioning data and parameters can be stored on a flash
ROM inside the QD75, eliminating the need of a battery for retaining data.
(Refer to Section 7.1.1.)
(b) Error messages are classified in more detail to facilitate the initial
troubleshooting procedure. (Refer to Section 15.1.)
(c) The module retains 16 error messages and 16 warning messages recently
output, offering more complete error and warning histories.
(Refer to Section 5.6.1.)