set snoop 701
Examples — The following command removes snoop filter snoop2 from
radio 2 on Distributed MAP 3:
WX1200# clear snoop map snoop2 ap 3 radio 2
success: change accepted.
The following command removes all snoop filter mappings from all
WX1200# clear snoop map all
success: change accepted.
See Also
display snoop on page 706
display snoop map on page 707
set snoop map on page 704
set snoop Configures a snoop filter.
Syntax — set snoop filter-name [condition-list] [observer
ip-addr] [snap-length num]
filter-name — Name for the filter. The name can be up to 32
alphanumeric characters, with no spaces.
condition-list — Match criteria for packets. Conditions in the list
are ANDed. Therefore, to be copied and sent to an observer, a packet
must match all criteria in the condition-list. You can specify up to eight
of the following conditions in a filter, in any order or combination:
frame-type {eq | neq} {beacon | control | data |
management | probe}
channel {eq | neq} channel
bssid {eq | neq} bssid
src-mac {eq | neq} mac-addr
dest-mac {eq | neq} mac-addr
host-mac {eq | neq} mac-addr
mac-pair mac-addr1 mac-addr2
direction {eq | neq} {transmit | receive}