display trace 693
To clear the session manager trace, type the following command:
WX4400# clear trace sm
success: clear trace sm
See Also
display trace on page 693
set trace authentication on page 694
set trace authorization on page 695
set trace dot1x on page 696
set trace sm on page 697
display trace Displays information about traces that are currently configured on the
WX switch, or all possible trace options.
Syntax —
display trace [all]
all — Displays all possible trace options and their configuration.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Examples — To view the traces currently running, type the following
WX4400# display trace
milliseconds spent printing traces: 1885.614
Trace Area Level Mac User Port Filter
-------------------- ----- ----------------- ----------------- ---- --------
dot1x 5 0
sm 5 0
See Also
clear trace on page 692
set trace authentication on page 694
set trace authorization on page 695
set trace dot1x on page 696
set trace sm on page 697