display tunnel 117
See Also
clear security 12-restrict on page 105
clear security 12-restrict counters on page 106
set security l2-restrict on page 123
display tunnel Shows the tunnels from the wireless LAN switch where you type the
Syntax —
display tunnel
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Examples — To display all tunnels from a WX switch to other WX
switches in the Mobility Domain, type the following command.
WX4400# display tunnel
VLAN Local Address Remote Address State Port LVID RVID
--------------- --------------- --------------- ------- ----- ----- -----
vlan-eng DORMANT 1024 4096 130
Table 24 describes the fields in the display.
Hits Number of packets whose source MAC address was a
client in this VLAN, and whose destination MAC address
was one of those listed under Permit MAC.
Table 23 Output for display security 12-restrict
Field Description
Table 24 Output for display tunnel
Field Description
Local Address IP address of the local end of the tunnel. This is the system
IP address of the wireless access switch where you enter
the command.