display auto-tune neighbors 341
Examples — The following command displays neighbor information for
radio 1 on the directly connected MAP access point on port 2:
WX1200# display auto-tune neighbors ap 2 radio 1
Total number of entries for port 2 radio 1: 5
Channel Neighbor BSS/MAC RSSI
------- ----------------- ----
1 00:0b:85:06:e3:60 -46
1 00:0b:0e:00:0a:80 -78
1 00:0b:0e:00:d2:c0 -74
1 00:0b:85:06:dd:00 -50
1 00:0b:0e:00:05:c1 -72
Table 63 describes the fields in this display.
See Also
display auto-tune attributes on page 338
display radio-profile on page 350
set ap radio auto-tune max-power on page 384
set ap radio auto-tune max- retransmissions on page 385
set radio-profile auto-tune channel-config on page 402
set radio-profile auto-tune channel-holddown on page 403
set radio-profile auto-tune channel-interval on page 404
set radio-profile auto-tune power-config on page 406
set radio-profile auto-tune power-interval on page 407
Table 63 Output for display auto-tune neighbors
Field Description
Channel Channel on which the BSSID is detected.
Neighbor BSS/MAC BSSID detected by the radio.
RSSI Received signal strength indication (RSSI), in decibels referred
to 1 milliwatt (dBm). A higher value indicates a stronger