3Com WX4400 3CRWX440095A Video Game Controller User Manual

Usage — Use this command to specify a custom page to be loaded by
the client when the SODA agent checks fail. After this page is loaded, the
specified remediation ACL takes effect, or if there is no remediation ACL
configured, then the client is disconnected from the network.
This functionality occurs only when the enforce checks option is enabled
for the service profile. The enforce checks option is enabled by default.
The page is assumed to reside in the root directory on the WX. You can
optionally specify a different directory where the page resides.
Examples — The following command specifies failure.html as the page
to load when a client fails the SODA agent checks:
WX4400# set service-profile sp1 soda failure-page
success: change accepted.
The following command specifies failure.html, in the soda-files directory,
as the page to load when a client fails the SODA agent checks:
WX4400# set service-profile sp1 soda failure-page
success: change accepted.
See Also
display service-profile on page 353
set service-profile soda enforce-checks on page 458
set service-profile soda remediation-acl on page 463
set service-profile
soda logout-page
Specifies a page on the WX that is loaded when a client logs out of the
network by closing the SODA virtual desktop.
set service-profile name soda logout-page page
name — Service profile name.
page — Page that is loaded when the client closes the SODA virtual
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.