See Also
set service-profile auth-dot1x on page 433
set service-profile auth-fallthru on page 434
set service-profile auth-psk on page 435
set service-profile auth-psk on page 435
set service-profile beacon on page 436
set service-profile cac-mode on page 438
set service-profile cac-session on page 439
set service-profile cipher-ccmp on page 440
set service-profile cipher-tkip on page 441
set service-profile cipher-wep104 on page 442
set service-profile cipher-wep40 on page 443
set service-profile cos on page 444
set service-profile dhcp-restrict on page 445
set service-profile idle-client-probing on page 446
set service-profile long-retry-count on page 449
11a / 11b / 11g
transmit rate fields
Data transmission rate settings for each radio type:
beacon rate—Data rate of beacon frames sent by MAP
multicast rate—Data rate of multicast frames sent by
MAP radios. If the rate is auto, the MAP sets the multicast
rate to the highest rate that can reach all clients
connected to the radio.
mandatory rates—Set of data transmission rates that
clients are required to support in order to associate with
an SSID on a MAP radio. A client must support at least
one of the mandatory rates.
standard rates—The set of valid rates that are neither
mandatory nor disabled. These rates are supported for
data transmission from the MAP radios.
disabled rates—Data transmission rates that MAP radios
will not use to transmit data. (The radios will still accept
frames from clients at disabled data rates.)
Table 70 Output for display service-profile (continued)
Field Description