set security acl hit-sample-rate 559
See Also
clear security acl map on page 539
commit security acl on page 541
set mac-user attr on page 261
set mac-usergroup attr on page 267
set security acl on page 552
set user attr on page 273
set usergroup on page 275
display security acl map on page 546
set security acl
Specifies the time interval, in seconds, at which the packet counter for
each security ACL is sampled for display. The counter counts the number
of packets filtered by the security ACL — or “hits.”
Syntax —
set security acl hit-sample-rate seconds
seconds — Number of seconds between samples. A sample rate of 0
(zero) disables the sample process.
Defaults — By default, the hits are not sampled.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0. Syntax changed from
hit-sample-rate seconds to set security acl hit-sample-rate seconds,
to allow the command to be saved in the configuration file.
Usage — To view counter results for a particular ACL, use the display
security acl info acl-name command. To view the hits for all security
ACLs, use the display security acl hits command.