rmdir 685
See Also
backup on page 664
rmdir Removes a subdirectory from nonvolatile storage.
Syntax — rmdir [subdirname]
subdirname — Subdirectory name. Specify between 1 and 32
alphanumeric characters, with no spaces.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — MSS does not allow the subdirectory to be removed unless it is
empty. Delete all files from the subdirectory before attempting to remove
Examples — The following example removes subdirectory corp2:
WX4400# rmdir corp2
success: change accepted.
See Also
dir on page 670
mkdir on page 681
save config Saves the running configuration to a configuration file.
Syntax —
save config [filename]
filename — Name of the configuration file. Specify between 1 and
128 alphanumeric characters, with no spaces.
To save the file in a subdirectory, specify the subdirectory name,
followed by a forward slash, in front of the filename. For example:
Defaults — By default, MSS saves the running configuration as the
configuration filename used during the last reboot.