set mobility-domain mode member secondary seed-ip 285
mode member
secondary seed-ip
Sets the IP address of the secondary seed WX on a nonseed WX.
Syntax —
set mobility-domain mode member secondary seed-ip
secondary-seed-ip-addr key hex-bytes
secondary-seed-ip-addr — IP address of the secondary seed, in
dotted decimal notation.
key hex-bytes — Fingerprint of the public key to use for WX-WX
security. Specify the key as 16 hexadecimal bytes. Use a colon
between each byte, as in the following example:
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 1.0.
Examples — The following command sets the current WX switch as a
nonseed member of the Mobility Domain whose secondary seed has the
IP address
WX4400# set mobility-domain mode member seed-ip
mode is: member
seed IP is:
See Also
clear mobility-domain on page 280
display mobility-domain config on page 282