display ap connection 343
display ap
Displays the system IP address of the WX switch that booted a Distributed MAP.
Syntax — display ap connection
[ap-number | serial-id serial-ID]
ap-number — Index value that identifies the MAP on the WX.
serial-id serial-ID — MAP access point serial ID.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
Table 64 Output for display ap boot-configuration
Field Description
AP Distributed MAP number.
IP address Whether static IP address assignment is enabled for this
Distributed MAP.
VLAN Tag Whether the Distributed MAP is configured to use a VLAN
Switch Whether the Distributed MAP is configured to use a
manually specified WX switch as its boot device.
Mesh Whether WLAN mesh services are enabled for this MAP.
IP address The static IP address assigned to this Distributed MAP.
Netmask The subnet mask assigned to this Distributed MAP.
Gateway The IP address of the default gateway assigned to this
Distributed MAP.
VLAN Tag The VLAN tag that the Distributed MAP is configured to use
(if any).
Switch IP The IP address of the WX switch that this Distributed MAP is
configured to use as its boot device (if any).
Switch Name The name of the WX switch that this Distributed MAP is
configured to use as its boot device (if any).
DNS IP The IP address of the DNS server that the Distributed MAP
uses to resolve the name of the WX switch used as its boot
Mesh SSID The WLAN mesh services SSID this MAP is configured to use
(if any)
Mesh PSK The preshared key (PSK) the MAP uses for authentication
with a Mesh Portal AP (if any).