display ap etherstats 327
Table 56 describes the fields in this display.
display ap
Displays Ethernet statistics for an Ethernet port on a MAP.
Syntax — display ap etherstats ap-number
ap-number — Index value that identifies the MAP on the WX.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Table 56 Output for display ap qos-stats
Field Description
CoS CoS value associated with the forwarding queues.
Queue Forwarding queue.
AP Distributed MAP number or MAP port number.
radio Radio number.
Tx Number of packets transmitted to the air from the
TxDrop Number of packets dropped from the queue instead of
being transmitted.
Some packet drops are normal, especially if the RF
environment is noisy. Also, it is normal for a mildly
congested radio to drop low-priority packets
proportionally more often than high-priority packets.
However, continuous packet drops from the Voice
queue can indicate over-subscription or excessive
interference in the RF environment.