display ap counters 319
set ap radio mode on page 391
set ap radio antennatype on page 383
set ap radio channel on page 387
set ap radio radio-profile on page 392
set ap radio tx-power on page 393
display ap counters Displays MAP access point and radio statistics counters.
Syntax — display ap counters [ap-number[radio {1 | 2}]]
ap-number — Index value that identifies the MAP on the WX.
radio 1 — Shows statistics counters for radio 1.
radio 2 — Shows statistics counters for radio 2. (This option does not
apply to single-radio models.)
Defaults — None.
Access — All.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0. New fields added in MSS
Version 4.0:
Radio Recv Phy Err Ct
Transmit Retries
Radio Adjusted Tx Pwr
Noise Floor
802.3 Packet Tx Ct
803.3 Packet Rx Ct
No Receive Descriptor
Version 6.0 removed the dap option and added the Illegal Rates field.
Usage — To display statistics counters and other information for
individual user sessions, use the display sessions network command.