md5 681
md5 Calculates the MD5 checksum for a file in the switch’s nonvolatile
Syntax —
md5 [boot0: | boot1:]filename
boot0: | boot1: — Boot partition into which you copied the file.
filename — Name of the file.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 4.0.
Usage — You must include the boot partition name in front of the
filename. If you specify only the filename, the CLI displays a message
stating that the file does not exist.
Examples — The following command calculates the checksum for image
file WX040003.020 in boot partition 0:
pubs# md5 boot0:WX040003.020
MD5 (boot0:WX040003.020) = b9cf7f527f74608e50c70e8fb896392a
See Also
copy on page 667
dir on page 670
mkdir Creates a new subdirectory in nonvolatile storage.
Syntax —
mkdir [subdirname]
subdirname — Subdirectory name. Specify between 1 and 32
alphanumeric characters, with no spaces.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.