Examples — The following command specifies soda-agent as the
location for SODA agent files for service profile sp1:
WX4400# set service-profile sp1 soda agent-directory
success: change accepted.
See Also
display service-profile on page 353
install soda agent on page 673
uninstall soda agent on page 688
set service-profile
soda enforce-checks
Specifies whether a client is allowed access to the network after it has
downloaded and run the SODA agent security checks.
Syntax —
set service-profile name soda enforce-checks {enable |
name — Service profile name.
enable — SODA agent checks are performed before the client is
allowed access to the network.
disable — Allows the client access to the network immediately after
the SODA agent is downloaded, without waiting for the checks to be
Defaults — By default, SODA agent checks are performed before the
client is allowed access to the network.
Access — Enabled
History —Introduced in MSS Version 4.2.
Usage — When the SODA agent is enabled in a service profile, by default
the SODA agent checks are downloaded to a client and run before the
client is allowed on the network. You can use this command to disable
the enforcement of the SODA security checks, so that the client is
allowed access to the network immediately after the SODA agent is
downloaded, rather than waiting for the security checks to be run.