set authentication minimum-password-length 251
set authentication
Specifies the minimum allowable length for user passwords.
Syntax — set authentication minimum-password-length length
length — Minimum number of characters that can be in a user
You can specify a minimum password length between 0
– 32 characters. Specifying 0 removes the restriction on password
Defaults — By default, there is no minimum length for user passwords.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS 6.0.
Usage — Use this command to specify the minimum length for user
When this command is configured, you cannot configure a
password shorter than the specified length.
When you enable this command, MSS evaluates the passwords
configured on the WX and displays a list of users whose password does
not meet the minimum length restriction.
Examples — To set the minimum length for user passwords at 7
characters, type the
following command:
WX# set authentication minimum-password-length 7
Warning: The following users have passwords that are shorter
than the minimum password length:
success: change accepted.
See Also
clear user lockout on page 226
set authentication minimum-password-length on page 251
set user on page 271