set radius proxy
Configures the WX port connected to a third-party AP as a RADIUS proxy
for the SSID supported by the AP.
Syntax —
set radius proxy port port-list [tag tag-value]
ssid ssid-name
port port-list — WX port(s) connected to the third-party AP.
tag tag-value — 802.1Q tag value in packets sent by the third-party
AP for the SSID.
ssid ssid-name — SSID supported by the third-party AP.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS 4.0.
Usage — AAA for third-party AP users has additional configuration
requirements. See the “Configuring AAA for Users of Third-Party APs”
section in the “Configuring AAA for Network Users” chapter of the
Wireless LAN Switch and Controller Configuration Guide.
Enter a separate command for each SSID, and its tag value, you want the
WX to support.
Examples — The following command maps SSID mycorp to packets
received on port 3 or 4, using 802.1Q tag value 104:
WX4400# set radius proxy port 3-4 tag 104 ssid mycorp
success: change accepted.
See Also
clear radius proxy port on page 580
set authentication proxy on page 253
set radius proxy client on page 585