user last-resort-guestssid
Vlan-Name = k2
user last-resort-any
Vlan-Name = foo
mac-user 01:02:03:04:05:06
usergroup eastcoasters
session-timeout = 99
Table 42 describes the fields that can appear in display aaa output.
Table 42 display aaa Output
Field Description
Default Values RADIUS default values for all parameters.
authport UDP port on the WX for transmission of RADIUS
authorization and authentication messages. The default
port is 1812.
acctport UDP port on the WX for transmission of RADIUS
accounting records. The default is port 1813.
timeout Number of seconds the WX switch waits for a RADIUS
server to respond before retransmitting. The default is
5 seconds.
acct-timeout Number of seconds the WX waits for a RADIUS server to
respond to an accounting request before retransmitting.
The default is 5 seconds.
retrans Number of times the WX switch retransmits a message
before determining a RADIUS server unresponsive. The
default is 3 times.
deadtime Number of minutes the WX switch waits after determining
a RADIUS server is unresponsive before trying to reconnect
with this server. During the dead time, the RADIUS server
is ignored by the WX. The default is 0 minutes.
key Shared secret key, or password, used to authenticate to a
RADIUS server. The default is no key.
author-pass Password used for authorization to a RADIUS server for
MAC authentication. The client MAC address is sent as the
username and the author-pass string is sent as the
Radius Servers Information about active RADIUS servers.
Server Name of each RADIUS server currently active.
Addr IP address of each RADIUS server currently active.
Ports UDP ports that the WX switch uses for authentication
messages and for accounting records.