set ap radio mode 391
rebalance — Configures the MAP radio to disassociate its client
sessions and rebalance them whenever a new MAP radio is added to
the load balancing group.
Defaults — By default, MAP radios are not part of an RF load balancing
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 6.0.
Usage — Assigning radios to specific load balancing groups is optional.
When you
do this, MSS considers them to have exactly overlapping
coverage areas, rather than using signal strength calculations to
determine their overlapping coverage. MSS attempts to distribute client
sessions across radios in the load balancing group evenly. A radio can be
assigned to only one group.
Examples The following command assigns MAP radio 1 on MAP 7 to
load balancing
group room1:
WX# set ap 7 radio 1 load-balancing group room1
See Also
clear ap radio load-balancing group on page 311
display load-balancing group on page 348
set load-balancing strictness on page 399
set ap local-switching mode on page 379
set ap radio mode Enables or disables a radio on a MAP access point.
Syntax — set ap {ap-number | auto} radio {1 | 2}
mode {enable | disable}
ap ap-number — Index value that indentifies the MAP on the WX.
radio 1 — Radio 1 of the MAP.
radio 2 — Radio 2 of the MAP. (This option does not apply to
single-radio models.)
mode enable — Enables a radio.