See Also
display rfdetect data on page 642
display rfdetect mobility-domain on page 644
set rfdetect
Disables or reenables active RF detection scanning on a WX switch. When
active scanning is enabled, the MAP radios managed by the switch look
for rogue devices by sending probe any requests (probe requests with a
null SSID name), to solicit probe responses from other access points.
Syntax —
set rfdetect active-scan {enable | disable}
enable — Enables active RF detection scanning.
disable — Disables active RF detection scanning.
Defaults — Active scanning is enabled by default.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — You can enter this command on any WX switch in the Mobility
Domain. The command takes effect only on that switch.
Examples — The following command disables active scanning on a WX
WX1200# set rfdetect active-scan disable
success: off-channel scanning is disabled.
RSSI Received signal strength indication (RSSI)—the strength of the
RF signal detected by the MAP radio, in decibels referred to
1 milliwatt (dBm).
Flags Classification and encryption information for the rogue:
The i, a, or u flag indicates the classification.
The other flags indicate the encryption used by the rogue.
For flag definitions, see the key in the command output.
SSID SSID used by the detected device.
Table 109 display rfdetect visible Output (continued)
Field Description