See Also
clear spantree statistics on page 487
display spantree
Shows uplink fast convergence information for one VLAN or all VLANs.
Syntax — display spantree uplinkfast [vlan vlan-id]
vlan vlan-id — VLAN name or number. If you do not specify a VLAN,
MSS displays STP statistics for all VLANs.
Defaults — None.
Access — All.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Examples — The following command shows uplink fast convergence
information for all VLANs:
WX4400# display spantree uplinkfast
VLAN port list
1 1(fwd),2,3
Table 78 describes the fields in this display.
port BPDU ok count Number of valid port BPDUs received.
msg age expiry count Number of expired messages.
link loading Indicates whether the link is oversubscribed.
BPDU in processing Indicates whether BPDUs are currently being processed.
num of similar BPDU’s
to process
Number of similar BPDUs received on a port that need to
be processed.
received_inferior_bpdu Indicates whether the port has received an inferior BPDU
or a response to a Root Link Query (RLQ) BPDU.
next state Port state before it is set by STP.
src MAC count Number of BPDUs with the same source MAC address.
total src MAC count Number of BPDUs with all the source MAC addresses.
curr_src_mac Source MAC address of the current received BPDU.
next_src_mac Other source MAC address from a different source.
Table 77 Output for display spantree statistics (continued)
Field Description