vlan vlan-id — VLAN name or number. MSS resets the cost for only
the specified VLAN.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — MSS does not change a port’s cost for VLANs other than the
one(s) you specify.
Examples — The following command resets the STP cost for port 2 in
VLAN sunflower:
WX4400# clear spantree portvlancost 2 vlan sunflower
success: change accepted.
See Also
clear spantree portcost on page 484
display spantree on page 488
display spantree portvlancost on page 494
set spantree portcost on page 505
set spantree portvlancost on page 508
clear spantree
Resets to the default value the priority of a network port or ports for
selection as part of the path to the STP root bridge, on one VLAN or all
Syntax —
clear spantree portvlanpri port-list {all | vlan
port-list — List of ports. The port priority is reset to 32 (the default)
on the specified ports.
all — Resets the priority for all VLANs.
vlan vlan-id — VLAN name or number. MSS resets the priority for
only the specified VLAN.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.