D9412GV2/D7412GV2 | Program Entry Guide | 2.0 GV2MAIN EN | 41
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/08 | F01U003636-04
Silencing Sounders in the Shared Area
2.9.3 Shared-Area Characteristics
Arming a Shared Area
Silence shared area alarms and troubles from any
All associate areas must be armed when a shared
area is armed. As soon as the last associate area is
armed, the shared area automatically begins its
arming sequence. Passcode, key switch, sub-
controls, or RPS cannot arm shared areas. To
display faulted points at associate areas, the shared
and associate areas must have the same account
To silence sounders, the user needs an authority
level assigned to the shared area. If the user also has
the authority to arm or disarm the area, then
momentarily appears.
Access Control Readers Assigned to the Shared
Disarming a Shared Area
The shared area momentarily disarms then begins
the exit delay sequence, allowing a user to walk to an
associate area and disarm. If the token or card
reader assigned to the shared area includes any
associate area in the D## CC# Scope (in the access
handler), both the associate area and shared area
disarms when the token or ard is presented.
Shared areas automatically disarm when any
associate area in the control panel is disarmed.
Passcode, tokens, cards, key switch, sub-controls, or
RPS cannot disarm shared areas.
Shared Area Arming Sequence
When shared areas automatically begin to arm, the
arming is based on the A# Exit Dly Time
programmed for the area number where the keypad
is assigned.
Closing Reports for Shared Areas
If Closing Reports for shared areas are needed,
assign passcodes a valid authority level in the shared
Shared Area Not Ready
2.9.4 Bell Parameters
If a point is faulted in the shared area, CHK AREA
appears on the associate keypad that is arming the
last associate area. Associate area keypads can
show faults from shared areas as long as the shared
areas fall within the scope of the associate area.
The D9412GV2 and the D7412GV2 have two main
types of annunciation: Fire Bell and Burg Bell. Both
Fire and Burg Bells share the same terminal
(Terminal 6) on the control panel as shipped from the
Force Arming a Shared Area
If a simultaneous Fire Bell and Burg Bell occur, the
Fire Bell takes precedence over the Burg Bell
regardless of which relay or terminal output they
When CHK AREA appears, press [ESC] to show
FORCE ARM at the associate keypad. Pressing
[ENTER] force arms the shared area if:
the user has authority to bypass points,
When the Fire and Burg Bells share the same output
and a Fire Bell occurs while the Burg Bell is ringing,
the Fire Bell pattern overrides the Burg Bell pattern.
At the end of the fire time, the burg pattern resumes.
the point is bypassable, and
the number of faulted points does not exceed the
force arm maximum amount for the shared area.
Remember to include the shared area
in the associate area’s scope.
When the Fire and Burg Bells share the same output
and a Burg Bell occurs while a Fire Bell sounds, the
control panel waits until the Fire time expires before
starting the Burg Bell.
Viewing Shared Area Armed Status
Either a single bell (panel-wide) or a number of bells
(area-wide) can be used on the control panel. For
programming these applications, refer to Section
View Area Status can be used from a keypad outside
of the shared area to view the shared area’s armed
2.13.1 Area Relays on page 79.
When both Fire and Burg Bells occur simultaneously
and a user enters a valid passcode, a Fire Cancel
Report for the fire alarm and a Cancel Report for the
burg alarm is sent to the central station if Cancel
Reports is programmed Yes.