D9412GV2/D7412GV2 | Program Entry Guide | 2.0 GV2MAIN EN | 28
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/08 | F01U003636-04
2.5 Power Supervision
Table 21: Event Descriptions, Priorities, and
Numbers, continued
AC Fail Time
Default: 1
Event Description
1 to 90 (Blank and 0 are invalid)
Program the amount of time that AC power must be
off before the control panel responds to the AC
failure. The response to restoral of AC power is
delayed for the same amount of time. The control
panel always monitors AC. The response to this
prompt is the actuation of the relay programmed in
the Panel-Wide Relays prompt AC Failure (refer to
Parameters Changed 008 054
RPS Access OK 008 064
RPS Access Fail 008 065
Remote Reset 008 079
Program Access OK n/a n/a
Program Access Fail n/a n/a
Service Start 008 029
2.13.2 Panel-Wide Relays on page 81) and
the AC Fail report enabled by the AC Fail/Res Rpt
prompt. Local annunciation of an AC failuter is
controlled by the AC Fail Display prompt.
Service End 008 030
Fire Walk Start 008 036
Fire Walk End 008 037
Walk Test Start 008 038
Walk Test End 008 039
UL 864 requirements, Section 50.2.1.b
Extra Point 008 023
states: “A trouble signal shall be
Send Point Text n/a n/a
transmitted for remote station, central
RF Low Battery 006 093
station, and proprietary-type protected
RF Battery Restore 006 094
premises units after a delay of between
Date Changed 008 059
60 and 180 min.
Time Changed 008 060
Exception: Products are not prohibited
Delete User 008 090
from providing capability of selecting
User Code Change 008 056
that the primary power failure trouble
Area Watch 008 042
signal transmission be delayed other
Card Assigned 008 110
time periods, including no
Change Level 007 061
delay,provided the 60 – 180 min delay
Access Granted 008 003
is also included.”
No Entry 008 115
To meet UL 864 requirements, program
Door Left Open 008 116
AC Fail Time with 61, 63, 65, ... (odd
Cycle Door 008 112
numbered values), and 89. Always
Door Unlocked 008 113
check with the Authority Having
Door Secure 008 114
Jurisdiction for local requirements.
Door Request 008 117
Door Locked 008 145
When you program AC Fail Time, if the second digit
User Alarm COMMAND 7 002 005
User Alarm COMMAND 9 002 006
1, 3, 5, 7, or 9 (such as 3, 5, 11, 13, 15, 21, and
so on): The AC Fail Time interval is in minutes.
2, 4, 6, 8, or 0 (such as 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 20, 22,
and so on): The AC Fail Time interval is in
For the following items to be true, AC
Fail/Res Rpt must be programmed as
Yes and AC Tag Along must be
programmed as No.