D9412GV2/D7412GV2 | Program Entry Guide | 7.0 RADXAXS EN | 146
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/08 | F01U003636-04
D# Auto Door?
This command unlocks the door
Default: No
regardless of the armed state.
Selection: Yes or No
When the area assigned in D# Entry
Area # is disarmed, the door is in
the unlocked state. When that area
is armed, the door returns to the
locked state.
No Door state is not affected by the
armed state of the area.
Use this program item to automatically unlock the
door (latched, shunt, and strike) when the entry area
is disarmed. The door re-locks upon Master or
Perimeter Arming the area.
The unlocked state cannot be overridden
D# Fire Unlock?
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
Relay activates and shunt is applied
for the door contact automatically
upon a Fire Alarm.
Door remains in its current mode
upon a Fire Alarm.
Use this program item to activate the relay for the
door strike and shunt the door zone automatically
upon a Fire Alarm. This feature overrides a Secure
Door state, Locked Door state, Auto Door, and an
Interlock Faulted point. The relay activates for all
doors with this prompt programmed as Yes when a
Fire Alarm occurs in any area. Relays that are
activated by Fire Unlock can be returned to normal
only through the keypad using the Door Control
Doors that are activated by Fire Unlock
must be returned to normal using the
Door Control function on the keypad.
Each fire alarm that is generated causes
a Door Unlocked – Automatic Event.
D# Disarm on Open?
Default: Yes
Selection: Yes or No
The area disarms only after the door
is opened for a user with a valid
disarm level.
The area disarms whether or not the
door is opened as soon as a user
with a valid disarm level presents a
valid token or card.
Use this program item to determine if the door needs
to be physically opened before disarming the area
upon a valid access request. The user initiating the
access request needs access levels that allow
disarming with ID.
D# Card Type
Default: 0
Selection: 0 to 3
0 Card format is 26-bit Wiegand.
Do not use. Card format is 37-bit
This item must be kept to a value of 0 (26 bit
Wiegand format).