D9412GV2/D7412GV2 | Program Entry Guide | 7.0 RADXAXS EN | 147
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/08 | F01U003636-04
D# Buzz Time
7.2 Strike Profile
This programming category is used to create a
specific door profile for:
Default: 2 sec
Selection: Blank, 1 sec to 240 sec
Strike and shunt times.
Buzz Time is not programmed for
this door.
Extending strike and shunt times if a door is left
The buzzer sounds for the amount
of time programmed.
1 to 240
Resetting the strike when the door opens.
Door #
Enter the amount of time the buzzer output sounds to
notify the user that the strike was activated and the
door is ready to open. The buzzer stops as soon as
the door is opened.
Default: 1
Selection: 1 to 8
Enter the door you are programming.
D# Strike Time
Default: 10 sec
Selection: 1 sec to 240 sec
Strike Time is not programmed for
this door.
1 to 240
The strike activates for the amount
of time programmed.
Enter the amount of time the door controller toggles
the relay output to activate the door strike. When the
door strike is activated, the user can open the door.
The strike activates for a valid token, RTE, REX, and
the keypad CYCLE DOOR? function.
D# Shunt Time
Default: 10 sec
Selection: Blank, 1 sec to 240 sec
Shunt Time is not programmed for
this door.
1 to 240
The shunt activates for the amount
of time programmed.
Enter the amount of time that the Door point is
shunted to allow a user to open the door. The
duration of time should be sufficient so that the
opened door does not cause the point to enter into a
trouble, alarm, or faulted condition.
A separate buzzer is required. Many
readers have an internal buzzer that is
not affected by Buzz Time.
D# Extend Time
Default: 10
Selection: Blank, 1 sec to 30 sec
Enter the amount of time that strike, buzz, and shunt
activation is prolonged if a door is left open and the
shunt time expires. At the end of the programmed
extend time, the buzzer continues to buzz until the
door closes. If programmed, the point assigned to the
door indicates a trouble, alarm, or fault at the keypad.
The CLOSE DOOR # display on keypad
does not activate if no time (blank) is
Regardless of how the Door point is
programmed, the system generates a
Trouble Door Left Open Event while the
system is disarmed, and an Alarm Door
Left Open Event if the system is armed
and the door is held open beyond Extend
Time. Door Closed - Restoral Events are
generated after the door is held open
past Extend Time and the door returns to