VeriFone PCC-5-7-1h Video Games User Manual

Create Log File -- (Default = Unchecked) -- Instructs PCCharge to create a modem log file
to be used for troubleshooting purposes.
Backup Log File -- (Default = Unchecked) -- Check this box to have PCCharge maintain
seven days' worth of backup log files. These names of these backup files will include an
abbreviation of the day the file was created. Example: logfile_fri.pcc. This option is
not accessible unless Create Log File is checked.
Encrypt Log File -- (Default = Unchecked) -- Check this box to have PCCharge encrypt
the log files using the encryption key you specify in Key: and Confirm Key:. This option is
not accessible unless Create Log File is checked.
Key: -- (Default = Empty) (16 alpha-numeric characters) -- If you have checked Encrypt
Log File, enter a sixteen-character alphanumeric encryption key. This option is not
accessible unless Create Log File is checked.
WARNING: If you change your encryption key, any information you have
encrypted with the old key will no longer be accessible. We HIGHLY
recommend that you not change your encryption key while PCCharge is
recording a log file.
Confirm Key: -- (Default = Empty) (16 alpha-numeric characters) -- If you have checked
Encrypt Log File, re-enter the sixteen-character alphanumeric encryption key you entered
in Key:. This option is not accessible unless Create Log File is checked.
Log File Purge Size -- (Default = 51200) -- Allows you to specify (in kilobytes) a maximum
file size for the current log file. PCCharge will purge old information from your log file to
maintain the file size represented here. This option is not accessible unless Create Log
File is checked.