Deleting a Cashier's Account
Note: You cannot delete the System user. To disable this user, delete the
password from the Preferences window (see page 35). Note that deleting the
System user will disable cashier permissions for all cashiers.
1. Click Setup on the menu bar. Click the Cashier Privileges option.
2. Look at the Del? column at the far left of the User Permissions window. Click the
word Save in the Del? column to the left of the cashier you want to delete.
3. After the word Save is selected next to the cashier you want to delete, type the letter
"D" on your keyboard. The word Save will change to the word DELETE. If you want to
change it back to Save, select the word DELETE and type the letter "S" on your
4. If you're ready to delete those cashiers with the word DELETE in their Del? column,
click either the Refresh List or Close buttons.
• If you click the Refresh List button, PCCharge will warn you that cashiers
scheduled for deletion will be removed. Click Yes to delete the cashiers.
PCCharge will return to the User Permissions window.
• If you click the Close button, PCCharge will warn you that cashiers scheduled for
deletion will be removed. Click Yes to delete the cashiers. PCCharge will exit the
User Permissions window and return to the main PCCharge window.