
12. Select the Enable Settlement option to enable automatic settlement of your batch. As
a safety precaution, the Auto-Settle utility is not enabled when it starts. To make it so
that settlement is enabled every time this utility starts, you'll need to edit the program
shortcut's properties. If you want settlement to be enabled every time this utility starts:
Right-click on the program's shortcut.
Left-click Properties.
Add /e to the end of the address shown in the Target:.
Example: "C:\Program Files\AutoBatch\AutoBatch.exe" /e
Click OK. The shortcut will now cause the utility to start with settlement enabled.
13. Enter the Account Name that PCCharge will use to settle your batch. This field refers
to an active PCCharge user. If you have multiple users registered in PCCharge, you
may select one of those to use instead of User1. Otherwise, leave this field at the
default value.
14. Use the Settlement TimeOut field to specify the number of seconds that the
PCCharge Auto-Settle utility will wait for a batch to settle before displaying an error
message. You will very likely need to adjust this value to accommodate:
the size of your batch
the average settlement speed of your processor
whether you're using a TCP/IP or dial-up connection
The exact time needed will have to be determined through trial and error. It's
suggested that you time a normal "manually" settled batch before entering a value into
this field.
15. Use the Response TimeOut field to specify the number of seconds that the
PCCharge Auto-Settle utility will wait for any response from PCCharge. This response
comes before actual settlement is attempted, and can be thought of as the initial
"handshake" response. Most users should leave this field at the default value.
16. The Auto-Settle Utility is now set up. Leave it and PCCharge running, and your batch
will be automatically settled at the specified Settle Time.