Usage of Batch Management Utility
The usage of these tools is described in the following two typical usage scenarios: a QD
(Quit Duplicating) Error and an RB (Rejected Batch) Error. Note that the tools in the
Batch Management Utility are not limited to dealing with just these two scenarios; they are
flexible tools and can be used to correct a wide range of batch settlement issues.
The sections following these usage scenarios (Batch File Details, Indeterminate Batch,
and Batch History) give full descriptions for each of the batch management tools (see
pages 188, 190, and 191).
QD (Quit Duplicating) Error
1. During settlement, PCCharge may receive and report a QD error from the processing
company. A QD (quit duplicating) error usually means that the processing company is
stating that they've already settled a batch of transactions with same batch number as
the batch that you're attempting to send to them.
Example: QD 12345678 (the actual numbers that follow QD will vary)
2. Shut down PCCharge and start up the Batch Management Utility. Click the button
Indeterminate. PCCharge will display any indeterminate batches in the Batch Files
section of this utility.
3. Select the Batch File for the batch that had the QD error. You can differentiate
between Batch Files by looking at the Batch Details (bottom right of the window) that
appear when you select a file. When the correct Batch File is selected, click the
button Batch Report.
4. Contact your processing company and find out if the transactions listed on the batch
report have already been settled.
5. If those transactions HAVE been settled, close the batch report window. This should
return you to the Batch Management Utility. Click the button Update Database.
PCCharge will ask you to confirm; click Yes. You have now completely resolved your
indeterminate batch and may continue with normal transaction processing.
Note: In rare instances, you may want to settle the same transactions
two days in a row. If this is the case, simply increase the Batch # (in your
processing company's Extended Data Fields) by five and settle the batch.
6. If those transactions HAVE NOT been settled, close the batch report window.
Complete the following steps:
• Shut down the Batch Management Utility and start up PCCharge.
• Access your processing company's Extended Data Fields by clicking Setup Æ
Credit Card Company Æ Extended.
• Increment the Batch # by one.
• Settle the batch.
• You have now completely resolved your indeterminate batch and may continue
with normal transaction processing.