4. Because the AVS Response indicated an error, you can either re-attempt the
transaction (which would "set aside" an additional $10), or you can refuse to accept
the customer's card altogether.
AVS Usage Scenario #2
1. In this example, all the options in the Address Verification Setup window HAVE
been checked.
2. You manually enter (not using a card reader) a $10 credit card sale transaction into
PCCharge, including the incorrect Zip Code and Street information.
3. PCCharge connects to your processing company and receives a Result of CAPTURED
and an AVS Response of No Match.
Note: Because all the options in the Address Verification Setup window
were checked (including No Match), the transaction was approved. This is why
it is generally recommended that users leave all the options checked in the
Address Verification Setup window. This way, you can simply void a
transaction if you aren't comfortable with the AVS Response.
4. Since you received a Result of CAPTURED, the transaction is ready to be settled
(along with any other transactions) at the end of the day.