D9412GV3/D7412GV3 | Program Entry Guide | 3.0 Points EN | 95
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/11 | F01U170807-02
P## Buzz On Fault
Default: 0
Selection: 0 to 3
Selection Operation for Controlled Points
(Point Types 1, 2, and 3)
Operation for 24-hour, Fire and Aux AC
Supervision Points (Point Types 0 and
The point buzzes at the keypad only if it enters
into the trouble condition indicated in the P##
Point Response.
Same as operation for controlled points
The point generates a Buzz Until Restore at the
keypad for any fault condition while the point
is disarmed. The buzz continues until the point
restores and the user acknowledges the
condition using a passcode or COMMAND 4.
The point must be normal before the user can
silence the buzz.
The point generates a Buzz Until Restore at
the keypad for any fault condition
regardless of the armed state. The buzz
continues until the point restores and the
user acknowledges the condition using a
passcode or COMMAND 4. The point must
be normal before the user can silence the
The point buzzes at the keypad for any fault
condition when the point is disarmed. The
user can silence the buzz before the point
returns to normal.
The point buzzes at the keypad for any fault
condition regardless of the armed state.
The point does not need to be normal before
the user can silence the buzz.
The point buzzes at the keypad for any fault
condition when the area is disarmed. The user
cannot silence this buzz, but it silences
automatically when the point is restored. If the
fault condition results in a trouble response, the
keypad continues to buzz even after the user
acknowledges the condition if the fault is still
The point buzzes at the keypad for any fault
condition regardless of the armed state.
The user cannot silence this buzz, but it
silences automatically when the point is
restored. If the fault condition results in a
trouble response, the keypad continues to
buzz even after the user acknowledges the
condition if the fault is still present.
Points bypassed (by the user, Sked, Swinger Bypass, or RPS) do not generate a Buzz On Fault
condition at the keypad.
The buzz does not automatically stop when the point is restored when using Option 1 or 2. The user
must acknowledge the buzz before the buzz stops. However, when using Option 3, the buzz stops
automatically when the point restores to normal without user intervention.
If a point with the type of 11 Aux AC Supervision is bypassed, 24 HOUR PT BYPASSED is shown
on the keypads.