D9412GV3/D7412GV3 | Program Entry Guide | 2.0 Panel and Area Wide Parameters EN | 40
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/11 | F01U170807-02
A# Area Type
Default: Regular
Regular, Master, Associate, or Shared
Regular Arms or disarms as an independent area.
Master Does not allow arming for this area unless all associate areas with the same A# account
number are master exit delay armed or master armed. CHK AREA displays if the associate
areas are not armed. Exception: RPS allows master areas to be armed without all associate
areas being in the armed state.
A master area can be disarmed regardless of the armed state of the other areas in the account.
Multiple master areas can be programmed in a single account.
CC# Scope affects master arming.
Area: When arming a master area that has CC# Scope set to Area for all
keypads, all associate areas within the same account must first be armed
independently by other means.
Panel Wide or Account Wide: When arming a master area from a keypad
with CC# Scope set to Panel Wide or Account Wide, all associate areas
enters exit delay as soon as the master area is armed. If there is a shared
area within the same account, it begins its exit delay after all associate
areas are armed.
Using the arming sked (S## Function 1) requires that you first use an
arming sked to arm the associate areas before using an arming sked to
arm the master area. Arming master areas with RPS, Keyswitch, or Auto
Close parameters (refer to Section 2.8.4 Open/Close Options on page 43)
occurs before all associate areas are armed
Associate Allows arming and disarming regardless of the armed state of the other areas with the same A#
account number. Use this area type with a master area and associate it by using the same
account number.
Keypads assigned to associate areas, when used with shared areas, must
have CC# Scope programmed.
Shared areas:
do not associate to other areas by account number
are armed when all Associate areas in the control panel are Master Delay armed
are disarmed when at least one Associate area in the control panel is not Master Delay
cannot be individually armed using a passcode, key switch, token or card, sked, or RPS
Arming commands intended for a shared area must be executed on a
keypad with Panel Wide scope by a user with appropriate authority in all
Associate areas. Shared areas associate with all Associate areas
regardless of their account assignments.