D9412GV3/D7412GV3 | Program Entry Guide | 2.0 Panel and Area Wide Parameters EN | 79
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/11 | F01U170807-02
Relay functions that resume the proper state
within one minute:
Alarm Bell Perimeter Fault
Summary Fire Summary Trouble
Area Armed Reset Sensors
Fire Bell AC Fail
Summary Alarm Phone Fail
Silent Alarm Summary SupBurg
Area Fault Battery Trouble
Summary Fire Trouble Communications Fail
Watch Mode Summary SupFire
Relay functions that must be reset manually
with Change Relay function (COMMAND 54):
Fail To Close Force Armed
Duress Log % Full
2.12.1 Area Relays
Each area can be assigned a unique relay number
for each of the events listed in this section.
A# Alarm Bell
Default: A
0, 1 to 128 for D9412GV3 (1 to 64
for D7412GV3), A, B, or C
This voltage output relay activates and provides
12 VDC output when a Non-fire point (P## Fire is
No) assigned to this area activates an alarm.
A# Burg Time and A# Burg Pattern
must be programmed in Area or Bell
Parameters. This relay activates
according to the bell pattern and remains
active until the bell time expires or a valid
passcode is entered. P## Silent Bell
must be No for the bell to ring upon
For SIA CP-01 Compliance:
Do not set A# Alarm Bell to 0. This feature is
required for SIA CP-01 compliance.
A# Fire Bell
Default: A
0, 1 to 128 for D9412GV3, 1 to 64
for D7412GV3, A, B, or C
This voltage output relay activates and provides
12 VDC output when a Fire point (P## Fire is Yes)
assigned to this area activates an alarm.
Fire Time and Fire Pattern must be
programmed in Bell Parameters. This
relay activates according to the bell
pattern and remains active until the bell
time expires. P## Silent Bell must be No
in order for the bell to ring upon alarm.
Although Relay C is a valid entry for A#
Fire Bell, do not program Relay C for this
entry. Use Relay A for the A# Fire Bell.
To meet UL 864 requirements, set A#
Fire Bell to a value other than 0.
A# Reset Sensors
Default: C
0, 1 to 128 for D9412GV3, 1 to 64
for D7412GV3,A, B, or C
Unlike the default relay for Alarm Bell and Fire Bell,
this voltage-output relay (Relay C) de-activates for
5 sec when the Reset Sensors? function is activated
from the keypad or during a Fire Walk Test.
The Reset Sensors time converts from
5 sec default time to the time
programmed in A# Verify Time (Section
2.8 Area Parameters on page 5) when a
point programmed for P## Alarm Verify
(Section 3.1 Point Index on page 87)
enters an alarm condition.