D9412GV3/D7412GV3 | Program Entry Guide | 4.0 Schedules (Skeds) EN | 120
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/11 | F01U170807-02
Default: 0
Selection: 0 to 24, 28, 29
S## Access Ctl Level #
Default: No
Yes Turn off access for
level #.
Access Control Level Off:
This function emulates the
command that determines
whether a user’s token or card
level is disabled. This function
allows access to be turned off
for the levels programmed.
Selection: Yes or No
The first parameter enables the sked
to turn off access for Levels 1 through
Do not turn off
access for level #.
S## Door 1 [through 8]
Default: No
Yes Unlock Door #.
Unlock Door: This function
emulates the UNLOCK?
12345678 keypad function for
unlocking a door.
Selection: Yes or No
Enable the sked to unlock the doors
programmed Yes.
Do not unlock
Door #.
S## Door 1 [through 8]
Default: No
Yes Secure Door #.
Secure Door: This function
emulates the SECURE?
12345678 keypad function for
securing a door.
Selection: Yes or No
Enable the sked to return the doors
programmed Yes to the secured
Do not secure
Door #.
S## Door 1 [through 8]
Default: No
Yes Lock Door #.
Lock Door: This function
returns an unlocked (Function
18) or secured (Function 19)
door to a normal locked door
Selection: Yes or No
Enable the sked to lock the doors
programmed as Yes and return them
to the normal Door Mode.
Do not lock Door
S## Door 1 [through 8]
Default: No
Yes Enable the
sending of Access
Granted Events
for Door #.
Access Authority Events
On: The control panel can log
Access Granted Events when
a valid token, RTE, REX, or
Unlock Door event is detected
for a specific door. These
events can be directed to print
at a local printer or send a
report remotely through phone
routing. This sked enables
Access Granted Events to be
reported for Door #.
Selection: Yes or No
This parameter enables the sending
of Access Granted Events for Door #.
Do not enable the
sending of Access
Granted Events
for Door #.
(Continued on next page.)