D9412GV3/D7412GV3 | Program Entry Guide | 2.0 Panel and Area Wide Parameters EN | 47
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/11 | F01U170807-02
A# Perimeter O/C
Default: No
Yes or No
Yes This area can send Perimeter Opening and
Closing Reports.
No This area cannot send Perimeter Opening
and Closing Reports.
This item determines if this area can send Perimeter
Instant and Perimeter Delay Closing Reports and
normal Opening Reports to the central station.
Opening and Closing Windows do not suppress this
event. Refer to the L## Perimeter O/C prompt on
page 75.
This reporting requires ModemIIIa
reporting format reporting. Some central
station automation systems cannot
process these reports.
A# Latest Close Time
Default: 00:00
00:00 to 24:00
Use to set a Latest Close Time boundary value for
this area. If the Latest Close Time value is non-zero,
the time of day specified with the Extend Close
feature cannot be greater than or equal to this value.
A zero value for A# Latest Close Time disables the
feature for the area.
Example: If A# Latest Close Time is set for 17:30,
the user can extend the close time to as late as
This prompt is used only when an O/C Window is
assigned to an area. Make entries in 30-min
increments using a 24-hour format. Use times that
begin on the hour or the half-hour only. For example,
enter 2:30 PM as 14:30. Enter 1:00 AM as 01:00. To
set the Latest Close Time for midnight, use a value of
24:00. The latest close time allowed by the Extend
Close feature is 24:58, because of internal limitations
in the control panel.
The default entry of 00:00 disables the
Latest Close Time feature for this area.
The control panel sets all windows for the next day
when the control panel clock turns to midnight. The
control panel must cross the midnight boundary
before any changes in that default setting occur.
To extend across midnight, you must use two
To suppress reports before midnight, use one
window (for example, 20:00 start to 23:59 stop).
To suppress reports immediately after midnight,
use another window (for example, 00:01 start to
02:00 stop).
2.8.5 Arming Features
A# Two Man Rule
Default: No
Yes or No
Yes Two valid unique passcodes are
required to disarm the area.
No A single passcode with a valid
authority level can disarm the area.
The D720 Keypad does not support the
Two-Man Rule feature.
Use this parameter when disarming an area that is
Master Armed. After recognizing the first valid
passcode, the system requests a second passcode
to disarm the area. If the entry delay expires before
the entry of a second valid unique passcode, an
alarm condition occurs. This function works only
when you use Passcode Disarm.
When you are disarming an area with A#
Two Man Rule set to Yes, the keypad
waits for the time equal to the A# Exit
Delay Time. If the second passcode is
not entered before the prompt times out,
the rule resets and waits for the first
passcode again.
If the area is already in an alarm
condition, the first valid passcode entered
after the alarm occurs silences the bell
but does not disarm the area. Enter
Code 2 appears on the display. A second
valid unique passcode is necessary to
disarm the area.
This feature is not allowed for use with
SIA CP-01 compliant installations.
Consult the local authority having
jurisdiction (AHJ) for proper usage. Refer
to your control panel’s program entry
guide for programming information.