Bosch Appliances d9412gv3 Video Game Controller User Manual

D9412GV3/D7412GV3 | Program Entry Guide | 4.0 Schedules (Skeds) EN | 115
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/11 | F01U170807-02
Default: 0
Selection: 0 to 24, 28, 29
S## Area 1[through #]
Arm Area: This function simulates
the Master Arm Delay keypad
function. Entries in the S## Area #
prompts define the area(s) this sked
arms. The sked can arm multiple
areas. If any point is faulted when the
sked executes, it is force armed
regardless of the A# Force Arm
Bypass Max setting.
Default: No
Selections: Yes or No
Enable the sked to arm the
areas indicated with Yes.
Arm Area #.
Do not arm
Area #.
S## Area 1[through #]
Disarm Area: This function emulates
keypad function list options. Entries in
the S## Area # prompts define the
area(s) this sked disarms. The sked
can disarm multiple areas.
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
Enable the sked to disarm the
areas indicated with Yes.
Disarm Area #.
Do not disarm
Area #.
S## Point Number
Bypass a Point: This function
emulates the Bypass Pt? keypad
function. The entry in the S## Point
Number prompt defines the point this
sked bypasses. The point can be
bypassed only if Bypassable is
programmed Yes in the point index
assigned to the point. The bypass is
reported if the Bypass Reports is
enabled by the point index settings
assigned to the point. The sked can
bypass one point.
Default: Blank
Selections: Blank, 1 to 127,
129 to 247 for D9412GV3,
1 to 75 for D7412GV3
Enter the number of the point
the sked bypasses.
Blank (0)
1 to 127,
129 to
No point is
Point to bypass
S## Point Number
Unbypass a Point: This function
emulates the Unbypass Pt? keypad
function. The entry in the S## Point
Number prompt defines the point this
sked unbypasses. The sked can
unbypass one point.
Default: Blank
Selections: Blank, 1 to 127,
129 to 247 for D9412GV3,
1 to 75 for D7412GV3
Enter the number of the point
the sked unbypasses.
Blank (0)
1 to 127,
129 to
No point is
Point to
(Continued on next page.)