D9412GV3/D7412GV3 | Program Entry Guide | 5.0 AUXPARM EN | 131
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 10/11 | F01U170807-02
5.5 Programming Path Numbers and
IP Addresses for Enhanced
Enhanced communications is the ability to
communicate by some means other than the
standard digital dialer. In this section, programmable
parameters allow you to define up to four separate
enhanced communication paths to which events can
be routed. To route an event (such as an Alarm or
Trouble) to an enhanced communication path,
additional programming must also be completed in
Section 2.3 Routing on page 17.
Enhanced Comm
Default: No
Selection: Yes or No
Enable enhanced communications
over the SDI bus.
Do not enable enhanced
communications over the SDI bus.
If using IP Addresses as the
communication means for UL 864
Commercial Fire applications, set this
parameter to Yes.
Determines if the control panel allows enhanced
communications over the SDI bus.
Events can be routed to as many as four available
enhanced communication paths through the SDI bus.
If an event (or group of events) is routed to an SDI
path, the number entered in Primary Device
determines which SDI path is used (provided that
RG# Prim, Primary SDI was set to Yes in Routing).
If events are to be routed to an IP address (in a
private LAN or WAN application), determine which
path is used (Path 1 to Path 4), and enter the
appropriate IP Address for that path (refer to Path #
IP Address on page 131).
If events are to be routed to an SDI Path but not to an
IP Address, allow the setting for Path # IP Address
to remain at 0. Path # Poll Rate, Path # Ack Wait,
and Path # Retry Count must be programmed.
Keypad Programming to Enable or Disable
Enhanced Comm
1. Refer to Figure 1 on page 7 to access Keypad
Programming and navigate to the ENHANCED
COMM option. Press [ENT].
2. The keypad shows the current setting by
alternating between COMMUNICATIONS> and
ENHANCED> YES or NO. To configure
enhanced communications, press [ENT].
3. Press [NEXT] or [PREV] to toggle to YES to
enable enhanced communication or No to disable
enhanced communication, and then press [ENT].
When the keypad reads PARAMETER SAVED, your
selection has been configured.
1. Refer to Figure 2 on page 8 to access Keypad
Programming and navigate to the Enhanced
Comm option. Press the Enhanced Comm
2. The current Enhanced Enabled configuration
shows (for example, Enhanced Enabled: Yes).
3. Press the Edit softkey to change the
4. Press the Yes or No softkey, and then press the
Save softkey to save the changes.
When the keypad reads
Parameter Saved, your
selection is configured.
Path # IP Address
Selection: to
0 to
There are four numbers in a valid IP
address. Leading zeros are not required.
If using IP Addresses as the
communication means for UL 864
Commercial Fire applications, set Path
# IP Address as necessary.
Path # IP Address contains the IP addresses for each
of the four enhanced communication paths available.
An IP address has four fields. Each field has a range
of 0 to 255. For example, an IP address is expressed
as Contact your network
administrator to obtain the appropriate IP Address to
contact a central station receiver.
Refer to Keypad Programming of Path # IP Address,
Path # Port Number, and Path # Poll Rate on page
Path # Port Number
Default: 7700
1 to 65535
This prompt specifies the destinaton port number for
each of the four enhanced communication route path
Whenever an IP address or port number
configured in the control panel is
changed, the central station must
resynchronize the control panel’s
anti-replay/anti-substitution static key.