Polycom® RealPresence Collaboration ServerVirtual Edition Administrator’s Guide
2-30 Polycom, Inc.
In layout 2+8, the two central windows display the last two speakers in the conference:
the current speaker and the “previous” speaker. To minimize the changes in the layout,
when a new speaker is identified the “previous” speaker is replaced by the new speaker
while the current speaker remains in his/her window.
Table 2-14 Auto Layout – Default Layouts in CP Conferences (Continued)
Number of Video Participants Auto Layout Default Settings
The Collaboration Server supports the VUI addition to the H.264 protocol for endpoints that transmit
wide video (16:9) in standard 4SIF resolution.
When there is a change of speaker in a Continuous Presence conference, the transition is set by
default to fade in the current speaker while fading out the previous speaker.
To make this transition visually pleasant, fading in the current speaker while fading out the previous
speaker is done over a period of 500 milliseconds.
The Fade In / Fade Out feature can be disabled by adding a new flag to the System Configuration.
The Value of the new flag must be: FADE_IN_FADE_OUT=NO.
For more information about System Flags, see the Polycom® RealPresence Collaboration Server
Virtual Edition Administrator’s Guide, "Modifying System Flags” on page 20-1.