Polycom® RealPresence Collaboration ServerVirtual Edition Administrator’s Guide
19-40 Polycom, Inc.
Main Screen Banner
The Main Screen banner is displayed at the bottom of the screen, as follows:
Software Management
The Software Management menu is used to backup and restore the Collaboration Server's
configuration files and to download MCU software.
Backup and Restore Guidelines
• System Backup can only be performed by an administrator.
•The System Backup procedure creates a single backup file that can be viewed or
modified only by developers.
•A System Backup file from one system can be restored on another system.
• To ensure file system consistency, do not perform any configuration changes as the
system does not suspended them during the backup procedure.
• The following parameters, settings and files are backed up:
— MCMS configuration files (/mcms/Cfg):
— Network and service configurations,
This applies only to one RealPresence Collaboration Server Virtual Edition system to another. Do
not use a backup file from the RealPresence Collaboration Server Virtual Edition on any other