Reference Manual
IP2030/RM, Rev AA
Appendix B: Product Certifications
June 2014
Appendix B: Product Certifications
B.2 European directive information
The EC declaration of conformity for all applicable European directives for this product can
found in the Mobrey MCU900 Series safety manual (IP2030/SI) on the Mobrey brand
pages at www.emersonprocess.com.
ATEX directive (94/9/EC)
Emerson Process Management complies with the ATEX directive
Low voltage directive (2006/95/EC)
The Mobrey MCU900 Series control unit complies with EN61010 Part 1
Pressure equipment directive (PED) (97/23/EC)
The Mobrey MCU900 Series control unit is outside the scope of PED
Electro magnetic compatibility (EMC) directive (2004/108/EC)
The Mobrey MCU900 Series control unit complies with EN61326-1: 2006
Restriction of hazardous substances (RoHS)
The Mobrey MCU900 Series control unit is exempt
B.3 Hazardous locations certifications
The MCU900 Series is mounted in a non-hazardous area, and provides a protected
(intrinsically safe) 24 volts direct current supply to a transmitter in a hazardous area.
See also the Mobrey MCU900 Series safety manual (document number IP2030/SI) for
ATEX and IECEx conditions for safe use.
B.3.1 ATEX intrinsically safe approval
Certificate numbers: BAS00ATEX7064 (Wall Mount), BAS01ATEX7225X (Panel Mount)
Intrinsically safe for II (1) GD, [Ex ia] IIC, [Ex ia Da] IIIC
Ambient temperature: –40 °C to +55 °C
Uo = +28 V, lo = 120 mA, Po = 0.82 W, Li = 0.2 mH, Ci = 0.6 nF
Special conditions for safe use (certificate BAS01ATEX7225X)
Terminal 30 must be earthed in the safe area to a high integrity earth/ground point in a
non-hazardous area.
B.3.2 IECEx intrinsically safe approval
Certificate Number: IECEx SIR 06.0090X
Intrinsically safe for [Ex ia] IIC, [Ex ia Da] IIIC
Ambient temperature: –40 °C to +55 °C
Uo = +27.3 V, lo = 96.9 mA, Po = 0.66 W, Li = 0.2 mH, Ci = 0.6 nF
Special conditions for safe use
Terminal 30 must be earthed in the safe area to a high integrity earth/ground point in a
non-hazardous area.