Reference Manual
IP2030/RM, Rev AA
Section 4: Getting started
June 2014
Section 4: Getting started92
For information on Alarm mode relays, see “Set-up the relays” on page 69.
Parameter P402 is used to decide how the output current indicates an alarm condition.
See “Set-up the current output” on page 68 for alarm action options.
P540 PV Over Limits (Factory default is "None")
Select the indication method for the alarm condition that happens while the control
unit PV value is outside pre-set limits. See also “PV Limits mode relay” on page 83
P541 mA Out Sat (Factory default is "None")
Select the indication method for the alarm condition that happens while the
output current is
3.8 mA or 20.5 mA
P542 Log mem filling (Factory default is "None")
Select the indication method for the alarm condition that happens while the available
logging memory is low. See also “P593 Low Mem Alarm (Default is 0%)” on page 64
P543 Digital Input (Factory default is “None”)
Select the indication method for the alarm condition that happens while a digital input,
configured with an action to force this alarm, is energized.
See “Digital inputs IN1 and IN2” on page 63 for how to select the Alarm action required
for this feature
P544 Max retries (Factory default is “None”)
Select the indication method for the alarm condition that happens while a Custom relay
operation is unable to complete, even after a pre-set number of attempts (P257)
See also “Custom mode relay” on page 86 for information
P545 mA In Sat (Factory default is "None")
Select the indication method for the alarm condition that happens while the output
current is saturated i.e.
3.7 mA or 20.75 mA
P547 Rising Level (Factory default is "None")
Select the indication method for the Rising Level alarm condition
See “Rising Level alarm” on page 89 for information
P548 RL Operations (Factory default is "None")
Select the indication method for the alarm condition that happens while a relay
operation counter is higher than a pre-set limit
See “Relay Operations alarm” on page 88 for information
P549 RL runtime (Factory default is "None")
Select the indication method for the alarm condition that happens while a relay is
energized for longer than a pre-set period
See “Relay Run-time alarm” on page 88 for information